Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Defining Valve Characteristics

You can apply user-defined valve characteristics to any of the following valve types:

  • PRV
  • PSV
  • PBV
  • FCV
  • TCV
  • GPV

To create a valve with user-defined valve characteristics:

  1. Place a PRV, PSV, PBV, FCV, TCV, or GPV valve element.
  2. Double-click the new valve to open the Properties editor.
  3. In the WaterGEMS CONNECT Data section, change the Valve Type to User Defined.
  4. In the Valve Characteristics field, select Edit Valve Characteristics.
  5. Define the valve characteristics in the Valve Characteristics dialog that opens.
  6. In the Valve Characteristics field, select the valve characteristic definition that the valve should use.
Note: If the Valve Characteristic Curve is not defined then a default curve will be used. The default curve will have (Relative Closure, Relative Discharge Coefficient) points of (0,1) and (1,0).